Everyday it seems like there’s a new rookie joining the league. Today it’s Lucas Myers.
The Bay Area Fog have been whispering about potentially acquiring Lucas for a few months (and a couple tournaments) now, but obviously nothing ever went through. However, things have changed. Lucas Myers recently informed league officials that he is officially joining the JAL.
Right away, the Fog made Lucas a max rookie contract offer, hoping to finally gain the player they’ve had their eye on from afar for some time. Unfortunately for the Fog, Lucas said he will wait to see what other teams make him an offer.
Lucas’s skills at wiffle ball are unknown, but here is what we can tell you about him… He’s 26 now, but back in high school glory days he set the CRHS touchdown record at running back and was a 4-year starter on the basketball team. So basically he’s a good athlete and it’s probably safe to assume he’s gonna be one of the better players in the JAL.
At this time it is unclear if Lucas intends to be a pitcher, play the field or be a DH. He is currently ranked #12 in the top 20 players.