The regular season is half over, and the power rankings have been adjusted accordingly. See them below! (current standings also at bottom of page)
*The league administrators pooled together to make the rankings as always, but this time disagreed strongly on #5-7. To order those teams they used a rankings points formula of their own individual orders of #5-7 to determine the official order. This can be seen at the bottom of the page.

Brock Johnson's #5-7
5. Rapids
6. Waves
7. Bison
Tierney Uhlenkott's #5-7
5. Rapids
6. Bison
7. Waves
Cale Johnson's #5-7
5. Waves
6. Bison
7. Rapids
Ty Johnson's #5-7
5. Waves
6. Bison
7. Rapids
Waves: 6,7,5,5 = 23 points
Rapids: 5,5,7,7 = 24 points
Bison: 7,6,6,6 = 25 points