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Mikel Skreen, Bison Agree To Deal

Yesterday when the news broke that the Bison had signed Ty Franklin, it was unclear whether or not free agent Mikel Skreen would be returning to the team.

It had been long assumed that the Mikel would end up re-joining the Bison and continue to play with his good friend and team owner James French.

However, once word got out that the Bison were "hoping to" but hadn't yet been able to sign Mikel there was an immediate interest from a couple of the team owners to offer him a contract.

Any speculation about which team besides the Bison Mikel could end up on for JAL XI can not be put to rest though. Mikel and the Bison agreed late last night to a $4/2 tournament contract with a $2 bonus for any championship won.

The Bison are set to enter JAL XI as the 6th ranked team.

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