For about a month now league officials have been teasing that "a big change is coming in the fall." Some of you out there were privileged enough to get the scoop already because we felt the need to poll some of our members and fans to see if it was something the league should pursue. So, if you're one of those people don't spoil it yet!
Next Monday on a special video show, the Johnson brothers will bring everyone the news, which is going to change the landscape of the league immensely.
*The Pitch, which is normally scheduled for Monday's, will air on Tuesday next week.
The reason the coming change will not take effect until the fall (after JAL XIV) will make sense after hearing what it is.
Until next Monday the only comments the JAL will make is that this change is something we have intended to implement since the foundation of the league. We are excited, as are those whom we have consulted it with, that the coming development will not only suit the needs of our growing league but also bring it to new heights.