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JAL 16 Dates, Times & Locations Announced

Today the JAL has released important information regarding the next season (JAL 16). As you can see in the graphic, the days, locations and game times for the upcoming season have been made official.

Next Wednesday the league will announce who will play the Missouri Express in the JAL 16 Opening Game, and then the following Wednesday (February 1st) the complete season schedule (Each team's 8-game schedule) will be revealed to the public.

A final thing to add about JAL 16 is that it will begin after the high school graduation of reigning MVP Colton Titus from the Bambinos .... And as stated directly in the JAL rulebook's CBA, "If the next upcoming season is determined to start after a high school player will graduate then their special HS contract expires as soon as the season start date becomes official" ..... So yes, this means that as of right now, Colton Titus is a free agent. No other high school player currently on a JAL roster is set to graduate before the season starts.

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